Local 63

LL 63 has agreements with the following employers:
Ash Grove Cement West Inc., Auto Truck transport, Boeing of Portland, Cascade General, DynCorp, Fiskars, Gerber Legendary Blades, Integrated Power Services, Mondelez Global (Kraft Foods), Paul Brong Machine Works, Portland School District, Premier Gear & Machine Works, Swan Island Dairy, Vigor Marine
LL 63-Local Meetings
Local 63 meets the 2nd Saturday of every month at 10:00 AM
The meeting takes place at the Local Office located at
25 Cornell Ave Gladstone OR 97027
LL 63-Excutive Board Meetings
Local 63 Executive Board meets the Wednesday prior to the regular Local meeting
LL 63- Executive Board Officers
President: Scott Lacey
Vice President: Blaine Massey
Sec./Treasurer: Craig Martin
Rec./Secretary: John Kleiboeker
Conductor./Sentinel: TBD
Trustee: TBD
LL-63 Contact Information & Location
Location: 25 Cornell Ave Gladstone, Oregon 97027
Phone: (503) 656-1475 (District W24)
Fax: (503) 657-2254 (District W24 Fax)
Email: iamll63communications@gmail.com
Hour: Monday-Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM